Work the System:
The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less, Fifth Edition
Message from Sam, 8/20/2024: I’ve spent the last ten months going deep, hunkering down, bringing my book up to date, yet carefully preserving the main threads (because, of course, base reality works the same way everywhere, all the time…). I’ve made the book easier to read and understand, added some new insights, and addressed the economic/social earthquakes of the last five years.
I’m calling this 5th Edition the “updated for 2025, “unwoke’” edition. Yes, go ahead and read into that.
My prime aim in the book continues to be this: bricks and mortar, virtual, retail, construction, service and/or product-producer, owner-operated, large or small staff, It doesn’t matter. Whatever the business type, dysfunction has its roots in the same foundational weakness: a fire-killing, non-systematic approach by the leader. The Systems Mindset is utterly logical and believable, a deeper vision of how a business—and a life—mechanically unfolds.
The ephiny occurs in a single identifiable moment in time, never to fade. All of a sudden, with this vivid “one layer deeper” view, underlying system processes are starkly revealed, and subsequent real-life mechanical actions are obvious.
Oh yes, for sure, the insight carries over into personal life, too.
You’ll never be the same. you’ll never go back…
Watch the animation below.
No, my book is not a lead-in to coaching, consulting, or some online training program. I have nothing more to sell you. It’s all in the book. I have many followers on my email mailing list (you can join us here on this page). I also regularly post on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.
In hardcover and E-book iterations, this fifth edition was published on August 20, 2024 You can order these versions here. The audio, which I’ve narrated and is just out of engineering/production, will be available in late September.
Feel free to contact me. I’ll always respond personally.
-Sam Carpenter
A Simple Explanation of the Work the System Method
Sam’s second book, The Systems Mindset: Managing the Machinery of your Life, is for those who don’t own or manage a business. See
The Book
Sam Carpenter’s Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less is now in its fifth edition (August 2024). Since the first edition was published in 2008, tens of thousands of business owners have used the Work the System Method as a foundational guide to quickly eliminate disorder, systemizing their businesses and their lives into super-efficiency. 4,000,000+ copies distributed worldwide in English, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Romanian and Japanese.
To Reach Sam
Podcast and media interviews, culture transformation analysis and discussion.
Business Documentation Software
BDS exactly conforms to the Work the System Method. It’s an intuitive and simple platform designed to make it easy for you to create, tweak and store your three primary documents as described in Part Two of Sam’s book.
BDS is simple to use. There’s no fluff or excess. It’s about “bottom up,” point-of-sale, and never-ending system improvement.
Work the System is integral to the Mindvalley operation. Simple and powerful…essential reading for the CEO.
Vishen Lakhiani
I am looking down at my business, seeing all the moving parts.
Eleanor Pinkney
Mandatory reading. Work the System liberates…
Perry Marshall
One of the most useful business books you’ll ever read.
Josh Kaufman
If you think your business can benefit from organization, efficiency and predictability, then you need to read this book.
Luke A. Mosch
Investing in WTS has been one of the most profitable decisions we’ve ever made.
Sharon Desjarlais